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Chiropractic Care

When segments of your spine get “stuck” and can’t move properly, the communication that flows between your body and brain through your nervous system is affected. This bad information your body sends to your brain is called nociception, and it results in symptoms like pain, limited mobility and other dysfunction.

When we remove these fixations (called subluxations) in the spine, your body sends good information to the brain to override the nociceptive pathway and allow your brain to process stimuli correctly. You can think of this process as a reset or rebooting of a computer. After this reset, your body’s natural healing ability can take over.

Dr. Phil is a hands on manual adjuster, but also offers gentler techniques when needed. Somc of these adjusting techniques include, Flexion Distraction, Activator Methods®, ArthroStim®, Diversified, and Drop table adjustments.

Who We Help

We offer care for patients of all ages, including babies, pregnant women and anyone injured in car accidents or playing sports. Some of the common issues that prompt people to seek our care are

  • Headaches
  • Herniated/bulging discs
  • Neck pain
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Shoulder injuries
  • Sports injuries
  • Stiffness in the spine

The Value of Wellness Care

Although most patients begin care when injured or in pain, our approach to care is also ideal for anybody who wants to live an active lifestyle at any age. Once we have gotten you out of pain and corrected the underlying cause of your symptoms, we can guide you toward long-term wellness designed to keep your body in motion, prevent injuries and help keep you healthy every day.

Get Started Today

Contact us today to book your first appointment and get back to living your best life.



Chiropractic Care | (904) 490-7445